How to apply

  1. Prepare your project application
  2. Speak to our team to get more guidance
  3. Apply for your strategy project via the grant portal

Learn more about this grant

Understand how you can get subsidised for your next project below

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Grant Overview

Understand how this grant can help you in your company’s digital transformation strategy

Unlock Government Funding to Grow Your Singapore Team

Hiring and retaining local talent just got more affordable for Singapore companies with the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI). This grant provides generous wage support when expanding your local workforce.

Who is Eligible for the JGI Grant?

The JGI aims to help Singapore companies emerge stronger from COVID-19 by incentivising the hiring and retention of local employees.

To qualify, firms must:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have grown your resident workforce from Sep 2020 to Feb 2021
  • Not have retrenched employees in past 5 months
  • Offer new hires at least $1,400 monthly salary
  • Apply during designated grant application period
  • Submit required docs like business plans and workforce proofs

Both new entrants and existing companies across industries can benefit from JGI when expanding their Singaporean workforce.

Receive Up to 50% Wage Support from JGI

The JGI offers two attractive tiers of wage support:

Tier 1

  • For hiring residents under 40 years old
  • Receive 25% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 12 months per new hire

Tier 2

  • For hiring residents 40 and over or with disabilities
  • Receive 50% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 18 months per new hire

This co-funding of wages makes adding Singaporeans to your team more cost-effective.

2 Examples of How JGI Helps Companies Grow

Consider how JGI can support different firms:

Envision Technologies Pte Ltd - Launching new products

  • Envision is a software firm launching new mobile apps
  • Requires additional developers and designers to expand capabilities
  • JGI wage support makes hiring Singaporeans more affordable
  • Allows focus on product development instead of payroll costs

Future Manufacturing Ltd - Scaling production

  • Future Manufacturing needs to expand production to meet demand
  • Will hire Singaporeans as production operators, inspectors and coordinators
  • JGI co-funding helps ramp up local workforce cost-effectively
  • Enables scaling of manufacturing ops and output

JGI helps companies like Envision and Future Manufacturing follow through on business plans while expanding job opportunities for fellow citizens.

4 Tips for Creating a Successful JGI Application

Follow these tips when applying for JGI wage support:

1. Show how you grew your Singapore workforce - Provide clear figures and data.

2. Outline plans to hire more citizens - Share details like roles, qualifications and timelines.

3. Emphasise retention initiatives for existing staff - Show how you are retaining and upskilling current employees.

4. Submit detailed business plans - Demonstrate need and commitment to expand local workforce.

Thoroughly demonstrating your commitment and plans to hire Singaporeans will help secure approval.

Grow Your Team with Support from JGI

In summary, the Jobs Growth Incentive enables companies to execute expansion and growth plans while accessing generous wage support for adding Singaporeans to their organisations.

Meet with our team to explore how JGI could help you rebound strongly from COVID-19 and emerge fitter for the future. Simply book a discovery call through our website and we'll be in touch!


Unlock Government Funding to Grow Your Singapore Team

Hiring and retaining local talent just got more affordable for Singapore companies with the Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI). This grant provides generous wage support when expanding your local workforce.

Who is Eligible for the JGI Grant?

The JGI aims to help Singapore companies emerge stronger from COVID-19 by incentivising the hiring and retention of local employees.

To qualify, firms must:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have grown your resident workforce from Sep 2020 to Feb 2021
  • Not have retrenched employees in past 5 months
  • Offer new hires at least $1,400 monthly salary
  • Apply during designated grant application period
  • Submit required docs like business plans and workforce proofs

Both new entrants and existing companies across industries can benefit from JGI when expanding their Singaporean workforce.

Receive Up to 50% Wage Support from JGI

The JGI offers two attractive tiers of wage support:

Tier 1

  • For hiring residents under 40 years old
  • Receive 25% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 12 months per new hire

Tier 2

  • For hiring residents 40 and over or with disabilities
  • Receive 50% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 18 months per new hire

This co-funding of wages makes adding Singaporeans to your team more cost-effective.

2 Examples of How JGI Helps Companies Grow

Consider how JGI can support different firms:

Envision Technologies Pte Ltd - Launching new products

  • Envision is a software firm launching new mobile apps
  • Requires additional developers and designers to expand capabilities
  • JGI wage support makes hiring Singaporeans more affordable
  • Allows focus on product development instead of payroll costs

Future Manufacturing Ltd - Scaling production

  • Future Manufacturing needs to expand production to meet demand
  • Will hire Singaporeans as production operators, inspectors and coordinators
  • JGI co-funding helps ramp up local workforce cost-effectively
  • Enables scaling of manufacturing ops and output

JGI helps companies like Envision and Future Manufacturing follow through on business plans while expanding job opportunities for fellow citizens.

4 Tips for Creating a Successful JGI Application

Follow these tips when applying for JGI wage support:

1. Show how you grew your Singapore workforce - Provide clear figures and data.

2. Outline plans to hire more citizens - Share details like roles, qualifications and timelines.

3. Emphasise retention initiatives for existing staff - Show how you are retaining and upskilling current employees.

4. Submit detailed business plans - Demonstrate need and commitment to expand local workforce.

Thoroughly demonstrating your commitment and plans to hire Singaporeans will help secure approval.

Grow Your Team with Support from JGI

In summary, the Jobs Growth Incentive enables companies to execute expansion and growth plans while accessing generous wage support for adding Singaporeans to their organisations.

Meet with our team to explore how JGI could help you rebound strongly from COVID-19 and emerge fitter for the future. Simply book a discovery call through our website and we'll be in touch!


Outcomes and Impacts

The JGI offers two attractive tiers of wage support:

Tier 1

  • For hiring residents under 40 years old
  • Receive 25% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 12 months per new hire

Tier 2

  • For hiring residents 40 and over or with disabilities
  • Receive 50% support on first $5K monthly wages
  • For 18 months per new hire
Digital Transformation solutions

Up to 50% Subsidisies on your next implementation strategy with us

For Companies registered and operating in Singapore, with up at least 30% local shareholding - leverage on the Enterprise Development (EDG) grants for your next; Strategy, Implementation or Enablement project with us at Devhaus!

We'll bring our experience working with other ventures in the region

Let's Collaborate Today!

For a start, we transform your system architecture and create an agile operation process to meet your growing business needs.