How to apply

  1. Prepare your project application
  2. Speak to our team to get more guidance
  3. Apply for your strategy project via the grant portal

Learn more about this grant

Understand how you can get subsidised for your next project below

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Grant Overview

Understand how this grant can help you in your company’s digital transformation strategy

Boost Productivity Through Workplace Learning with NACE

The NACE grant provides funding for Singapore companies to implement impactful workplace learning programs. Receive up to 90% support.

Building an skilled, adaptive workforce is key for any high-performing business. But training budgets can be constrained, especially after COVID-19.

Fortunately, Singapore's National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) offers generous grants covering up to 90% of costs to develop impactful workplace learning capabilities.

In this article, we'll explore:

  • NACE grant highlights and outcomes
  • Eligibility criteria for applicant companies
  • Details on funding amounts and coverage
  • Realistic examples of NACE benefits
  • Tips for a winning NACE application
  • Process to claim the grant after training completion

If you run a registered business in Singapore, NACE can subsidise implementation of strategic learning initiatives tailored to your needs by...

NACE Grant Highlights: Up to 90% Subsidy for Workplace Learning

The NACE grant supports Singapore companies to establish effective workplace learning systems and build a culture of continuous upskilling.

Here are key details on NACE:

  • Up to 90% subsidy - Receive majority funding for approved learning costs
  • Capped at $300K per firm - Maximum grant is $300,000 per company
  • For impactful learning initiatives - Must drive clear business outcomes
  • For local registered companies - Open to all sectors with at least 30% local shareholding

The goal is to help companies implement sustainable learning programs to boost productivity and stay competitive.

Which Companies are Eligible for NACE?

The NACE grant targets Singapore-registered companies seeking to strengthen workplace learning capabilities.

To qualify, firms must:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have minimum 30% local shareholding
  • Provide audited accounts for last 2 years
  • Submit detailed project proposal with outcomes
  • Commit to sustaining initiatives after grant period

Both new entrants and established players across sectors can benefit from NACE funding to advance workforce skills.

NACE Can Cover Majority of Your Learning Costs

NACE provides generous support for the key costs associated with impactful workplace learning programs.

The grant will subsidise:

  • Up to 70% of consultancy fees - For services like learning needs analysis, framework design, etc.
  • Up to 90% of training costs - For equipping staff with workplace learning skills
  • Up to 90% of equipment costs - For tools like portals, systems, and training rooms

By alleviating the financial burden, NACE enables investment in holistic learning solutions tailored to strategic business needs.

Examples: How NACE Supports Workplace Learning

Let's explore how NACE can help two hypothetical companies:

Acme Manufacturing Pte Ltd - Reskilling production workers

  • Acme Manufacturing needs to reskill workers to meet demand
  • Taps NACE grant to engage consultants to design skills training programmes
  • Grant offsets majority of costs to upskill and reskill production floor staff

A-Plus Tech Pte Ltd - Facilitating continuous learning

  • Growing tech start-up A-Plus needs continuous skills upgrading
  • Uses NACE funding to develop online learning portal with micro-learning
  • Portal enables workforce to access on-demand training aligned to fast-changing industry

As demonstrated, NACE funds tailored interventions from production skills training to digital learning platforms.

4 Tips for Creating a Successful NACE Application

When applying for NACE, follow these handy tips:

1. Outline robust project proposal - Share actionable objectives, implementation plans, outcomes.

2. Highlight business impact - Quantify expected productivity, innovation and competitiveness improvements.

3. Specify equipment needs - Detail must-have tools with clear justification.

4. Emphasise commitment - Demonstrate buy-in to sustain initiatives post-grant.

A compelling application outlining holistic learning plans and firm commitment will be well-positioned for approval.

Claiming Your NACE Grant Funds

Once approved, you can claim NACE funding after executing the learning initiatives:

  1. Implement learning project as per approved proposal
  2. Retain documentation like progress reports and invoices
  3. Submit grant claim to NACE with supporting documents
  4. Receive grant disbursement if requirements are met

By meeting deliverables outlined in your project proposal, your company can access generous NACE subsidies.

Develop Strategic Workplace Learning with NACE

In conclusion, NACE provides holistic support for Singapore companies to implement workplace learning programs that drive real business impact.

To explore how NACE can help build your workforce capabilities, speak to our specialists today. Simply book a discovery call through our website and we'll be in touch!


Boost Productivity Through Workplace Learning with NACE

The NACE grant provides funding for Singapore companies to implement impactful workplace learning programs. Receive up to 90% support.

Building an skilled, adaptive workforce is key for any high-performing business. But training budgets can be constrained, especially after COVID-19.

Fortunately, Singapore's National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) offers generous grants covering up to 90% of costs to develop impactful workplace learning capabilities.

In this article, we'll explore:

  • NACE grant highlights and outcomes
  • Eligibility criteria for applicant companies
  • Details on funding amounts and coverage
  • Realistic examples of NACE benefits
  • Tips for a winning NACE application
  • Process to claim the grant after training completion

If you run a registered business in Singapore, NACE can subsidise implementation of strategic learning initiatives tailored to your needs by...

NACE Grant Highlights: Up to 90% Subsidy for Workplace Learning

The NACE grant supports Singapore companies to establish effective workplace learning systems and build a culture of continuous upskilling.

Here are key details on NACE:

  • Up to 90% subsidy - Receive majority funding for approved learning costs
  • Capped at $300K per firm - Maximum grant is $300,000 per company
  • For impactful learning initiatives - Must drive clear business outcomes
  • For local registered companies - Open to all sectors with at least 30% local shareholding

The goal is to help companies implement sustainable learning programs to boost productivity and stay competitive.

Which Companies are Eligible for NACE?

The NACE grant targets Singapore-registered companies seeking to strengthen workplace learning capabilities.

To qualify, firms must:

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have minimum 30% local shareholding
  • Provide audited accounts for last 2 years
  • Submit detailed project proposal with outcomes
  • Commit to sustaining initiatives after grant period

Both new entrants and established players across sectors can benefit from NACE funding to advance workforce skills.

NACE Can Cover Majority of Your Learning Costs

NACE provides generous support for the key costs associated with impactful workplace learning programs.

The grant will subsidise:

  • Up to 70% of consultancy fees - For services like learning needs analysis, framework design, etc.
  • Up to 90% of training costs - For equipping staff with workplace learning skills
  • Up to 90% of equipment costs - For tools like portals, systems, and training rooms

By alleviating the financial burden, NACE enables investment in holistic learning solutions tailored to strategic business needs.

Examples: How NACE Supports Workplace Learning

Let's explore how NACE can help two hypothetical companies:

Acme Manufacturing Pte Ltd - Reskilling production workers

  • Acme Manufacturing needs to reskill workers to meet demand
  • Taps NACE grant to engage consultants to design skills training programmes
  • Grant offsets majority of costs to upskill and reskill production floor staff

A-Plus Tech Pte Ltd - Facilitating continuous learning

  • Growing tech start-up A-Plus needs continuous skills upgrading
  • Uses NACE funding to develop online learning portal with micro-learning
  • Portal enables workforce to access on-demand training aligned to fast-changing industry

As demonstrated, NACE funds tailored interventions from production skills training to digital learning platforms.

4 Tips for Creating a Successful NACE Application

When applying for NACE, follow these handy tips:

1. Outline robust project proposal - Share actionable objectives, implementation plans, outcomes.

2. Highlight business impact - Quantify expected productivity, innovation and competitiveness improvements.

3. Specify equipment needs - Detail must-have tools with clear justification.

4. Emphasise commitment - Demonstrate buy-in to sustain initiatives post-grant.

A compelling application outlining holistic learning plans and firm commitment will be well-positioned for approval.

Claiming Your NACE Grant Funds

Once approved, you can claim NACE funding after executing the learning initiatives:

  1. Implement learning project as per approved proposal
  2. Retain documentation like progress reports and invoices
  3. Submit grant claim to NACE with supporting documents
  4. Receive grant disbursement if requirements are met

By meeting deliverables outlined in your project proposal, your company can access generous NACE subsidies.

Develop Strategic Workplace Learning with NACE

In conclusion, NACE provides holistic support for Singapore companies to implement workplace learning programs that drive real business impact.

To explore how NACE can help build your workforce capabilities, speak to our specialists today. Simply book a discovery call through our website and we'll be in touch!


Outcomes and Impacts

  • Be registered and operating in Singapore
  • Have minimum 30% local shareholding
  • Provide audited accounts for last 2 years
  • Submit detailed project proposal with outcomes
  • Commit to sustaining initiatives after grant period
Digital Transformation solutions

Up to 50% Subsidisies on your next implementation strategy with us

For Companies registered and operating in Singapore, with up at least 30% local shareholding - leverage on the Enterprise Development (EDG) grants for your next; Strategy, Implementation or Enablement project with us at Devhaus!

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