Marketing Strategy
Digital Transformation

Create A Marketing Strategy With The Best Tools For Free


December 8, 2023
 min read
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We know how complicated it can be when you're tasked to design a marketing framework for your business  - be it for your next Startup idea or even a new product launch that management has tasked you to do.

You have to understand what your target audience is and where they spend their time online. If you've found yourself struggling with developing strategic marketing for your business.

Whichever the case may be, our guide here will walk you through some of the best tools in the market, for FREE!


We’ll Get Started With the Business Needs and the Right Marketing Strategy Framework

A marketing framework is the foundation of your company's marketing plan and helps your marketing team function at its highest level in the long term. There are several benefits to creating a marketing mix, including:

  • Identify your target market or audience of people who are most likely to buy from you or ask for your product or services.
  • Improving the overall product marketing strategy, which in turn benefits the growth and success of your company
  • Keeping you and your team focused and on the same marketing goals
  • Define the business goals of your company and what you want it to achieve in the next five years.

Now that we’ve distinguished the struggles and importance of developing a marketing strategy framework. Let’s dive into each of the listed free tools to help you get started which is an important requirement of the marketing models planning process.


On With the Tool Introduction!


Tool #1: Semrush - known to Marketers and Startup peers as the OGs of your SEO Strategy

It is an all-in-one tool suite for improving online visibility and discovering marketing insights. Their tools and reports are able to help marketers that work in the following services: SEO, PPC, SMM, Keyword Research, Competitive Research, PR, Content Marketing, Marketing Insights, and Campaign Management.

Super hint: You don't have to pay a cent to get access to the best Semrush tools and data.

We're saying this because we want you to be a power user as quickly as possible before spending a single cent on any tool. Yup the key to time to value any given strategy is the adoption of best practice itself.



For SEO Marketing Efforts, Here Are Some of the Top Key Features to Use:

1. Perform Keyword Research for Free

  • You can run 10 keyword searches per day using the Keyword Magic Tool or the Keyword Overview.
  • Each search in the Keyword Magic Tool will return a report limited to 10 results.
  • So on a daily basis, you can get 10 x 10 = 100 results to cover your keyword research needs.
  • Check how difficult it will be to rank for a keyword (Keyword Difficulty)
  • Identify the main search intent type behind your keyword (so you can decide what type of content to build in order to target it)
  • Discover if interest around it in the past 12 months has been growing, shrinking or has been relatively steady



2. Analyze Competitors for Free



Whether you’re running a competitor analysis, diving into your website’s performance, this is where you can discover a wealth of data around:

  • What keywords people are searching for in your industry
  • How much competition there is for those keywords
  • What other sites are ranking well
  • What content they’re creating that people love to engage with


3. Track Your Keyword Rankings for Free


Free users can track up to 10 keywords using the Position Tracking tool in 5 easy steps:


  • Set up your project (you are allowed to set up 1 project as a free user, which gives you access to 12 standalone tools)
  • Enter your domain
  • Add a list of competitors
  • Create a list of keywords to track
  • Set your location and device type


4. Run a Free Website Audit


Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus


As a free user, you can crawl up to 100 URLs with the Site Audit. This includes crawls of any given domain, subdomain, or subfolder.


You will end up with:

  • An overall health score for your website
  • Detailed reports about all the issues we find, grouped based on how serious they are (“Errors” are the most serious issues, while “Notices” will have a lesser impact on your organic performance)
  • Breakdown of each issue and recommendations on how to fix it


5. Monitor Your Local Listings


Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus


If you're looking to grow your business through local SEO, it can be hard to know where to start.

‍Directory audits are a great way to ensure that your business is represented in the best possible light.


7. Create Optimized and User-Friendly Content

Once you’re ready to start writing, you can use the SEO Writing Assistant.

This tool proposes ways to optimize your copy, improve its readability, and integrate the SEO Content Template recommendations, too.


Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus

8. Get Ideas on How to Improve On-Page Content and SEO

You need to create a marketing campaign using the On-Page SEO Checker.

Simply add your target keyword(s) and the corresponding URL, and you will end up with a report with ideas on:

  • Issues that need sorting out
  • Missing elements that are holding your page’s performance back

Managing your Social Media Marketing for Free with Semrush Tools


1. Post on Social Media Channels


Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus


Schedule all your social media content strategy from a single calendar view. You can post from 10 different profiles on Facebook Business, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google Business Profile.


2. Analyze Your Performance on Social Media


Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus

Track the performance of your content on social media. Discover insights such as the best time for posting or which hashtags can get higher reach and engagement.


3. Track Your Competitors’ Social Media Activity

Follow your competitors’ activity on social media and benchmark your performance against theirs.

Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus

4. Track Your Competitors’ Social Media Activity

Top 3 Free tools to develop your Go to Market Strategy for your next business idea-Semrush-Devhaus


For one ad account, you can:


  • Create ad campaigns, ad sets, and ads on Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Facebook Audience Network
  • Manage your existing ad campaigns
  • You can then monitor their performance using the tool.


Tool #2: Zoominfo (Lead Generation, Enrichment and more!)

Who doesn't want quality leads for Prospecting?

We know how it goes. You're working your butt off, but you're not seeing the results you want. It's frustrating, we get it.

Fortunately, we have a solution for you! ZoomInfo's free marketing and sales lead gen tools can help you find your target audience and reach decision-makers exactly when they're in the market to buy.

Here Are 5 Free Features to Use for You to Generate Leads


1. TAM Calculator

Use Zoominfo's TAM Calculator to get access and visibility to the businesses in your total addressable market — then learn how to contact professionals at those organizations.

  • If you're looking to grow your business and expand your reach, you need to know the size of your Total Addressable Market (TAM).
  • The TAM calculator will give you a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape of your product, and the potential customers within it.
  • This is 100% free and gets immediate results. Your TAM calculation results will be based on our database of 105+ million companies, so we know exactly how many people you can reach with your product.
  • Use this information to grow inbound conversions, expand outbound reach, and accelerate your pipeline by targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you.


2. Find relevant leads by industry

ZoomInfo takes the pain out of sales prospecting research by instantly delivering high-quality leads in your target industry.

From identifying companies that need freight moved, to pitching an IT department on your new software solution, Zoominfo’s vast array of contact and direct dial data is a boon to your lead generation efforts.


3. Get top-listed companies by topic

Search top-rated companies by different categories to narrow down your prospecting process.


4. Improve your employer brand’s impact and reach

Learn about companies and B2B professionals through employee reviews, consumer ratings, and salary data.


5. Find your next customer with Zoominfo Directory

Search Zoominfo's database of 106M+ companies and 140M+ contacts to find your next customers.


Unsure where to start? Fret not, Devhaus has got your back!

Devhaus is a digital transformation agency that helps our customers stay center stage in their markets with the latest technology trends. Our team combines years of expertise, industry-leading applied technologies, and a crystal clear vision of where we are headed tomorrow. No matter what challenge your organization faces, we have the right solution — today.

Growth Strategy Services

A successful go-to-market strategy is essential for any business looking to maximize their revenue.


If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need better digital marketing performance
  • You need a strategy for your growth stack
  • You need an outbound marketing strategy to reach your target audience accurately

Webflow Strategy & Development

Create dynamic experiences that help deliver memorable content, while still maintaining security and privacy.

If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need to do design and develop a content management system that is tailored to your business needs.
  • You need a team at bay to continuously design and develop new pages on your website.
  • You need a design team to create unique experiences for your users that includes wireframing and developing it.

Architecture Strategy & System Integration

Innovative solutions tailored to each of customer's unique needs will be dedicated to help your customers reach their goals.

If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need a new pair of eyes to assess and audit the existing systems in your business and revamp where needed to meet today's business needs.
  • You need architecture strategy to develop a clear plan for data collection and event tracking plan for a better visuals of key insights on your customers.
  • You need to integrate multiple software tool to automate business processes and maintaining the efficiency of the system regularly.

Using Grants to Help You Subsidise Your Next Digital Marketing Project

If you're new to the concept of growth we'd strongly advice to work closely with subject matter experts, and explore Growth services to help you through this journey.

Here are some of the top grants that could help get your Project subsidised by up to 70 or 80% ( for certain industries ). To help you understand better, our VP of Advanced Services - Dom has taken the time to explain. Watch the overview video below

Our Top Grant Pick: Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

The Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant is a program offered by Enterprise Singapore, aimed at helping small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in Singapore expand into overseas markets. The grant provides funding support of up to 70% of eligible costs for activities such as market assessment, market entry, and overseas promotion.

This initiative also offers SMEs access to a range of in-market services such as business matching, market intelligence, and networking opportunities. The MRA grant is designed to help Singaporean businesses become more competitive in the global market and to encourage them to explore new opportunities beyond their domestic borders.

If you're an SME looking to expand your business internationally, the MRA grant could be an excellent opportunity for you to take advantage of.

If you're keen to explore the grants further, book a call with our lovely team today!

What this article is about, in a nutshell.

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