Digital Transformation

How to choose the right Webflow Agency? (with Project Task Templates)


January 6, 2024
 min read
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All you need to know before choosing a Webflow Agency

Webflow is a cloud-based website development platform that allows users to create and manage websites without any coding experience. It is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, as it offers a wide range of features and customization options. With more and more fast-scaling companies making their decision to migrate to Webflow, it's become one of the most popular choice for the new guys in the block!

If you are looking for a Webflow agency in Singapore, you are in luck. There are many talented and experienced agencies that can help you create a beautiful and professional website but of course - depending on the problem statements you'd like to tackle then there are many ways to approach this. Namely; Experience, portfolio and technical capabilities.

In this article, we will discuss the factors to consider when choosing a Webflow agency, and we will recommend some of the best agencies in Singapore. We'll even add the icing on the cake - if you're looking to work with us on our Webflow development solutions, we'd even advice you with the right grants to get your strategy project with us further subsidised with the support of Enterprise Singapore (ESG) or IMDA.

P.s. This perk is catered to you if you're company is operating & has local shareholding, here in Singapore.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Webflow Agency

When choosing a Webflow agency, there are a few factors you should consider, including:

  • Experience: The agency should have experience in developing Webflow websites. They should be familiar with the platform and its features, and they should be able to create websites that meet your specific needs.
  • Skills: The agency should have a team of experienced designers and developers who can create beautiful and functional websites. They should also be able to customize your website to meet your specific needs.
  • Portfolio: The agency should have a strong portfolio of Webflow websites. This will give you a good idea of their skills and capabilities.
  • Price: The agency should be able to provide you with a competitive price for their services.
  • Customer service: The agency should offer excellent customer service. They should be responsive to your needs and they should be willing to work with you to create a website that you love.
Note: The bigger question you need to ask yourself is that...
  1. Do you want to do it yourself internally in your organisation ( workable if you've got the experience, expertise and the bandwidth ) 
  2. Do you want to outsources this? If so (depending on your budget);
    a. Do you want to outsource this to a Freelancer?
    b. Would you prefer a full team working on this to ensure that the entire sit process is done-up right to the very brim!

At times, you might even have to think through the entire Growth Stack ecosystem, typically you'll always need more than just Webflow.

Below is a visual on the ecosystem we had to handle during our website transformation project with Wallex

Visual of Wallex Growth Ecosystem

Approach to tackling a Website Project

Here are a our key pointers when approaching a website project, whether you're looking to redesign, develop an all new site or migrate from one CMS to another.

Get your outcomes in-line, not just the output!

We could really go down into a rabbit-hole on this conversation, but here's a typical deliverable or scope of work template we'd strongly recommend when taking on a Website project, whether you'd doing it yourself - or approaching a 3rd-party vendor to tackle it for you.

Website Transformation project checklist, with Deliverables and Scope of Work

Devhaus Deliverbles and Scope of work: Webflow Transformation
Access our free deliverable template here ↗️


Feel free to share this with your peers so you're aligned on what are the tasks you actually need to clear for a website development project!

Side Note: The Strategy - Building your site for future SEO & Organic Performance

Here's an quick rundown on the approach that Evan Smith of GraphiteHQ takes when tackling SEO strategy for websites. They've done a phenomenal job on the growth of companies like Masterclass, Upwork and more to increase their SEO performance tremendously.

For our friends in the Growth or Product space, we're sure you've already subscribed to Lenny's newsletter - watch the video below and you'll understand why.

SEO is one of the main topics we'd need to dive into but on top of all of that, you'd also need to have a look at your overall Growth Strategy

Growth Strategies to consider for your next Webflow project

Choosing the right frameworks before your style or brand guide

This is probably where many key leaders make their mistakes, jumping straight into the creative brief. When you're making a decision on which CMS you'd like to migrate and work with, it's practically a long term decision. You wouldn't want to be too caught up or tied down to any dependency - yes that means even us at Devhaus.

Typically - "frameworks" are essentially a library of defined classes, styles, and components, which can be especially helpful for multi-Designer teams, as they can provide time savings and standardization when designing

Don't get it mixed up by the other terminologies such as; Styleguides and Design Systems.

to help you understand them better - here's the overview;

  • Styleguides: A style guide is a page that defines the standard styling, formatting, and design for your brand on Webflow. Most style guides will include branded colors, font styles, and commonly used components (such as buttons) at minimum.
  • Design System: Frameworks and style guides are just smaller parts of larger design systems, which are living sets of reusable components, principles, and guidelines that give designers and engineers a shared language for consistent product and web design. Some other things you might find within a design system include design principles, a UI kit/component library, accessibility guidelines, standards for your brand’s voice/tone, and more.

Now back to the topic on hand - choosing the right Webflow framework that'll help you stick for the long haul.

Based on our research and experience, here are some of the top picks from the Webflow Community

  • Knockout
  • Hatch
  • ‍Wizardry
  • ‍Fast Flow
  • ‍Webflow Framework
  • Client-first
  • SystemFlow
  • Flowbase

Primarily most of our clients at Devhaus prefers either Client-first of Systemflow as their core framework so if they do decide to invest in an internal team to grow their Webflow operations, they've already gotten their frameworks in place.

There are many great Webflow frameworks available. The best framework for you will depend on your skill level, needs, and budget.

If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with a framework that is heavily adopted in the community, and those filled with ever growing resource base - like Client-first. These frameworks are easy to use and offer a variety of features to help you create a beautiful and responsive website.

If you are an experienced user, you may want to choose a framework like SystemFlow or Knockout. These frameworks offer more flexibility and customization options, but they may be more difficult to learn.

Benefits of Using a Webflow Framework

There are many benefits to using a Webflow framework, including:

  • Save time: Frameworks can save you a lot of time and effort, as they provide you with a starting point that you can customize to fit your needs.
  • Get started quickly: Frameworks can help you get started with Webflow quickly and easily.
  • Create professional-looking websites: Frameworks can help you create professional-looking websites without any coding experience.
  • Get help from the community: There is a large community of Webflow developers and designers who can help you if you have any questions or problems.
Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Framework

When choosing a Webflow framework, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Your skill level: Choose a framework that is appropriate for your skill level. If you are a beginner, choose a framework that is easy to use. If you are an experienced user, you may want to choose a framework that offers more flexibility and customization options.
  • Your needs: Choose a framework that meets your specific needs. If you need a framework for a specific type of website, such as a portfolio website or a blog, choose a framework that is designed for that purpose.
  • Your budget: Webflow frameworks can range in price from free to hundreds of dollars. Choose a framework that fits your budget.

No matter what your skill level, there will always be a Webflow framework out there that is perfect for you, chat with us if you need to - we'll sort it out and give you our best advice

Planning the right tech stack, around Webflow

With all that talk about design, SEO and all things growth - you'll also need to consider your tech stack around Webflow. In order to get the most out of Webflow, it's important to plan your tech stack carefully.

A tech stack is a collection of technologies that work together to create a website. It includes everything from the web hosting platform to the content management system (CMS) to the email marketing software.

The right tech stack for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. However, there are a few general things to keep in mind when planning your tech stack around Webflow.

P.s. cookies are deprecating in 2024, Google Analytics 4 is up and Website analytics have taken a whole new shift. If you're working with a Webflow agency who's not technical enough to understand any of this - you're only going to be greeted with further additional hidden cost when a "new expert" greets your with more problem statements in the near future.

Things to Consider When Planning Your Tech Stack

  • Your budget: Webflow is a subscription-based service, so you'll need to factor in the cost of your Webflow plan when planning your tech stack.
  • Your skill level: If you're a beginner, you'll want to choose technologies that are easy to use and manage. If you're an experienced user, you may want to choose more powerful technologies that offer more flexibility and customization options.
  • Your needs: What features do you need in your website? Do you need a CMS? Do you need email marketing software? Make a list of your needs and requirements before you start planning your tech stack.
  • Your goals: What do you want to achieve with your website? Do you want to increase sales? Generate leads? Build brand awareness? Your goals will help you determine the right technologies for your tech stack.

Choosing the Right Technologies

Once you've considered the factors above, you can start choosing the right technologies for your tech stack. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Web hosting: Web hosting is the service that stores your website's files and makes them accessible to visitors. There are many different web hosting providers to choose from, so it's important to compare their features and prices before making a decision.
  • Content management system (CMS): A CMS is a software application that makes it easy to create and manage content on your website. There are many different CMSs to choose from, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
  • Email marketing software: Email marketing software allows you to send email newsletters and campaigns to your subscribers. There are many different email marketing software providers to choose from, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and AWeber.
  • Other technologies: There are many other technologies that you may need for your website, such as a payment processing system, a search engine optimization (SEO) tool, and a website analytics tool.

Our recommended must have integration for your Web project in order to achieve your pinnacle performance, fast.

Ensuring that you're website events are tracked - accurately

Data taxonomy and event tracking plans is probably one of the most common things other web agencies miss out on as they're only focused on the tangible outputs - 'How nice will this website look' when they're "done". That to us is just one of the many problems.

Here's our Solution Architect explaining our approach to 1st party data strategy, starting with Webflow


Watch our Demo of Webflow and some of the other tech stack

If you're keen to catch a glimpse of how we blend Webflow with some of the World's best-in-class tools for Growth and Product teams, watch the video below as we walk you through

  • Segment: The world's best Customer Data Platform
  • Fullstory: Full-suite Digital Experience Intelligence
  • Mixpanel: Best in breed product analytics platform
  • Customer.io: the best in business when it comes to Marketing Automation

You wouldn't want to miss out on it, the show is rather lengthy but feel free to watch it at 2x speed!

Choose your Webflow Development Agency - Devhaus is the best partner for you

If you're not already convinced by this part of the article, let's have a quick chat => 

We promise you that it'd be a fruitful session, ask us anything you're unsure about and we'd be more than happy to enlighten you on the context.

Webflow is a powerful website development platform that can be used to create beautiful and functional websites. If you are looking for a Webflow agency in Singapore, there are many talented and experienced agencies that can help you create a website that meets your specific needs.


Side note on other frequently asked questions

What is Webflow?

Webflow is a cloud-based website development platform that allows users to create and manage websites without any coding experience. It is a popular choice for businesses of all sizes, as it offers a wide range of features and customization options.

What are the benefits of using Webflow?

There are many benefits to using Webflow, including:

  • No coding experience required: Webflow is a drag-and-drop website builder, so you don't need any coding experience to create a website.
  • A wide range of features: Webflow offers a wide range of features, including templates, drag-and-drop elements, custom code, and more.
  • Affordable pricing: Webflow offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your budget.
  • Excellent customer support: Webflow offers excellent customer support, so you can get help with any questions you have.

How do I choose the best Webflow agency for me?

When choosing a Webflow agency, there are a few factors you should consider, including:

  • The agency's experience with Webflow: Make sure the agency has experience with Webflow and can create websites that meet your specific needs.
  • The agency's portfolio: Review the agency's portfolio to see examples of their work.
  • The agency's pricing: Make sure the agency's pricing is within your budget.
  • The agency's customer service: Make sure the agency offers excellent customer service.

What are the other references of Styleguides or Design systems with Webflow?

References for Styleguides

  • How to build a living style guide in Webflow
  • Style guide examples and cloneable projects
  • How to create colour swatches easily in webflow

References of Design systems:

  • Understanding the Design systems: A beginner’s guide to building one that will last
  • How to: Building brand design systems in Webflow
  • 6 awesome design system examples you can clone
  • Zendesk Brandland example
For Companies operating in Singapore, there are a couple of government subsidies that you could look into to help finance and subsidise your next strategy project - yes, including Webflow and your CMS strategy.

If you're a company operating in Singapore, there are a couple of government subsidies that you could look into to help finance and subsidise your next strategy project - including refining your entire digital experience and your CMS.

The Singapore government has a lot of incentives and subsidies for companies to grow.

We'd strongly advise you to look through the various grants available for Singapore companies to explore to help you get your project subsidised.

If you'd like to explore all the available grants, feel free to visit our Singapore grants navigator here

Action steps moving forward

We hope this article has given you a better understanding of customer data platforms and why they're so important to marketers. If you're looking for more information on how CDPs can help your business, feel free to contact us today!

  1. Fill us in on your interest via this form
  2. Check your email for our booking slot with our beloved sales team
  3. Walkthrough a discovery session with us and align your desire outcome for your transformation project with us <3

Looking forward to catching up with you soon!

What this article is about, in a nutshell.

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