Marketing Strategy

How to Track Your Marketing Performance With Free Marketing Analytic Tools


December 17, 2023
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Marketing teams are always looking for ways to measure and track the success of their campaigns. One of the best ways to do this is through the use of marketing analytics tools. These tools provide insights into user behavior and help marketers to better understand how to optimize their campaigns. In this blog post, we will discuss how to use two of the most popular marketing analytics tools, Fullstory and Google Analytics 4, to measure and track marketing performance.


Tracking User Digital Experiences with Fullstory

Fullstory is a powerful tool for tracking user digital experiences. It helps marketers to measure user engagement, website performance, and other important metrics. With Fullstory, marketers can get a comprehensive view of customer journeys, from landing page visits to the checkout page. This allows them to identify areas of improvement and optimize customer experiences for maximum impact.



What can you do with free Plan? provides a free plan that is ideal for marketing teams looking to measure and track user engagement, website performance, and other important metrics. With the free plan, marketers can gain insights into customer journeys, from landing page visits to the checkout page. This allows them to identify areas of improvement and optimize customer experiences for maximum impact.

Additionally, provides powerful tools such as heatmaps, session replay, and segmentation that can help marketers gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and make informed decisions about how to improve their campaigns.


How to set it up?

Setting up fullstory is easy and straightforward.

  • The first step is to create a account, which can be done by signing up with an email address. Once the account has been created, marketers will need to add their website or web application to the dashboard. This can be done by navigating to the Settings page and providing the relevant information.
  • Next, marketers will need to customize their settings and choose the metrics they want to track. This can be done by navigating to the Integrations page and selecting the metrics they wish to track.
  • Finally, marketers will need to add the tracking code to their website or web application. This can be done by navigating to the Install page, copying the tracking code, and adding it to the appropriate location on the website or web application.
  • Once the setup is complete, marketers can start using to measure and track their marketing performance. They can gain valuable insights into user behavior and optimize their campaigns for maximum success.
  • For full guide, view here



Measuring Events with Google Analytics 4

Our Free Update to Google Analytics 4
image_source: guesttraction


Google Analytics 4 is another great tool for tracking marketing performance. It allows marketers to measure user events on their website or web application, such as clicks, page views, and conversions. With Google Analytics 4, marketers can easily track user activity and gain insights into customer behavior. This data can then be used to improve the customer experience and optimize marketing campaigns to ensure maximum return on investment.


Benefits of Using Google Analytics 4 for Marketing Teams

  1. Data Accessibility: With Google Analytics 4, marketers have access to more data than ever before. It allows them to get a more comprehensive view of their customers and their marketing efforts.
  2. Advanced Insights: With the new insights feature, marketers can gain an even better understanding of their customers and how they interact with their content. This can help them to better target their marketing strategies and create more effective campaigns.
  3. Better Performance Tracking: Thanks to the new tracking features, marketers can get an even better understanding of how their campaigns are performing. This can help them to better optimize their campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly.
  4. More Customization Options: With Google Analytics 4, marketers have more customization options than ever before. This allows them to tailor their reports to their specific needs and make sure they're getting the most out of their data.



How to Use Google Analytics 4 to Track Marketing Performance

  1. Set up Goals: Create goals that are specific to your marketing objectives and track them with Google Analytics 4. This will give you a better understanding of how your campaigns are performing and help you identify areas for improvement.
  2. Analyze Your Data: Analyze the data that you collect with Google Analytics 4 to identify trends, customer behavior, and potential opportunities for improvement.
  3. Optimize Your Campaigns: Use the insights that you gain from Google Analytics 4 to optimize your campaigns and ensure that you're getting the best results possible.
  4. Track Your Results: Track your progress with Google Analytics 4 and measure the success of your campaigns. This will help you identify what's working and what needs to be changed.


How to set it up?

  • Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Account: The first step to setting up a Google Analytics 4 account is to sign up for a Google Account. This can be done through the Google Accounts page on Once you have signed up, you will need to confirm your email address before you can proceed.
  • Step 2: Enable Google Analytics for Your Account: Once you have signed up for a Google Account, you will need to enable Google Analytics for your account. This can be done by visiting the Google Analytics page and clicking “Sign Up”. You will then be prompted to enter your website’s URL, as well as any other information that is requested.
  • Step 3: Set Up Your Property: Once you have enabled Google Analytics for your account, you will need to set up your property. This can be done by selecting the “Create Property” option from the left-hand menu. You will then be prompted to enter your website’s URL, as well as any other information that is requested.
  • Step 4: Create Your Stream: Once you have set up your property, you will need to create your Stream. This can be done by selecting the “Create Stream” option from the left-hand menu. You will then be prompted to enter your website’s URL, as well as any other information that is requested.
  • For first-timers setting up, you can view the full guide here.
  • For teams that are migrating from Google Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4, view the migration guide here.



Measuring Marketing Performance with the AAARRR Pirate Funnel Framework

Once you have the data from your analytics tools, it is important to ensure that the marketing team applies the right metrics into their analytic framework. The pirate funnel is a great way to measure marketing performance and should be used as the basis for the analytics framework. By applying the right metrics into the pirate funnel, marketers can gain valuable insights into user behavior and optimize their campaigns for maximum success.


What are the metrics to lookout for? Let's break it down on each stage..


Awareness - How many people did your brand reach out to?

Awareness is about getting the word out. It’s about spreading the news that a brand exists and what it does.


Metrics to measure:

  • Website visits and page views
  • Social impressions and shares
  • Search impressions and rankings
  • Link click-through rates
  • Time on page and bounce rate



Acquisition - How many users came to visit your website?

This stage focuses on measuring the number of leads and prospects that a marketing team is able to acquire.


Metrics to measure:

  • Contacts generated
  • Leads generated
  • Marketing qualified leads (MQLs)
  • Sales qualified leads (SQLs)
  • Lead conversion rate
  • Cost of acquisition (CAC)


Activation – What was the AHA moment for your users?

The next step in the AAARRR Pirate Funnel Framework is Activation. This stage focuses on measuring the number of leads and prospects that are successfully converted into customers. (e.g. Sign-up, install an app or post their first comment)


Metrics to measure:

  • Number of pages visited by an individual
  • Sign-ups & sign-up conversion rates
  • Product qualified leads (PQLs)
  • Time from sign-up to purchase



Retention – How many people come back to your platform for a second or eight time?

This stage focuses on measuring the number of customers that remain engaged with the product or service.


Metrics to measure:



Referral - How many of your current users refer new users to your product?

This stage focuses on measuring the number of customers that refer other customers.


Metrics to measure:

  • Successful signups from referral link
  • Customer Reviews
  • Customer Ratings


Revenue- How many of your users are paying customers and how much are they spending?

At this stage, the marketing team should focus on existing customers and what makes them valuable. Understanding why they pay is crucial for the team to find out similar traits that they can later use to create a lookalike audience.


Metrics to measure:

  • Order Completed
  • Signs a contract for a service and clicks "submit"
  • Puts down a deposit on a good or service, such as the first payment of a 4 month payment plan
  • Pays the first month’s bill on a continued subscription-based service



Unsure where to start? Fret not, Devhaus got you!

Devhaus is a digital transformation agency that helps our customers stay center stage in their markets with the latest technology trends. Our team combines years of expertise, industry-leading applied technologies, and a crystal clear vision of where we are headed tomorrow. No matter what challenge your organization faces, we have the right solution — today.


Growth Strategy Services

A successful go-to-market strategy is essential for any business looking to maximize their revenue.


If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need better digital marketing performance
  • You need a strategy for your growth stack
  • You need an outbound marketing strategy to reach your target audience accurately


Webflow Strategy & Development

Create dynamic experiences that help deliver memorable content, while still maintaining security and privacy.


If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need to do design and develop a content management system that is tailored to your business needs.
  • You need a team at bay to continuously design and develop new pages on your website.
  • You need a design team to create unique experiences for your users that includes wireframing and developing it.


Architecture Strategy & System Integration

Innovative solutions tailored to each of customer's unique needs will be dedicated to help your customers reach their goals.


If this resonates with you, let's work together: 
  • You need a new pair of eyes to assess and audit the existing systems in your business and revamp where needed to meet today's business needs.
  • You need architecture strategy to develop a clear plan for data collection and event tracking plan for a better visuals of key insights on your customers.
  • You need to integrate multiple software tool to automate business processes and maintaining the efficiency of the system regularly.








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