
The Best CMS You Need for Your Business, Moving to 2023


December 23, 2023
 min read
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Whether you're a business owner or a Marketing leader in your company, making the right choices is key to find the Best CMS that will scale with you.There are certain things to consider while deciding the best CMS for your business.

Factors we've considered:

  • Ease of Use = Adoption teamwide so your team will love it too
  • Pricing = Affordable, if not FREE!
  • Scalability = Native integration, robustness and product roadmap
  • Resources available = Internal resource guides & active community base


After a combined experience of more than 30+ years being in the digital space - our team took the time to digest and dig deep into platforms like WordPress, Webflow, Wagtail and more.

Having the responsibility to lead and of course <ix-explosion>PERFORM<ix-explosion>, we've taken the time to write this one out just for you so that  you can build your website in a CMS platform that is easy to use, affordable and scalable so that you don't have to worry about switching again and incurring any other costs.

Whether you’re a leader in a Large Enterprise or you’re a Solopreneur who’s just starting out, this will be very helpful for you.

Before reading further - if your burning questions are as such:

  • “How to choose the best CMS platform for your business/website?”
  • "How to Choose the Best Website Builder for my team?”

We’ll get to the bottom of it and you’ll have your answers 💕!


What is a CMS and why do ALL Digital Teams need it

A CMS is known as a Content Management System

Formally, here’s what it is; A Content Management System (CMS) is an application that allows multiple contributors to add, edit and publish content. The content is stored in a database and displayed via templates based on the layout of a website or intranet.


TLDR - in short it helps you

  • Contribute & collaborate by editing/updating digital contents with your team ( i.e. Image, copy, link updates and more )
  • Integrate Logic / send data from your Website to other Marketing/Sales automation tools ( i.e. sending a welcome email upon subscribing to your newsletter or contact forms )

Outside of other key features like Web hosting, etc

To put it simply - it’s the modern day Website Management platform


The Importance of a CMS

According to Searcheningejournal’s article, Only 68.9% of Websites today have a CMS is place ( that’s approximately about 796 million sites )

💡 This means if you’re one of those who are not leveraging on CMS’s you might be missing out, we’d advice you digest and take some notes on this so you’ll be able to have skyrocketing digital performance in 2023 with your new CMS of choice ( hint; it’s Webflow for us )

In short, here’s the visuals on those stats;

There’s a usage rate of 33.10% with Teams having “NO CMS”



Side note:

We’re going to be transparent with you out here that we’re HUGE FANS of Webflow and we’ve been using them for more than 6 years now and we’ve been there through the earlier days which is why we’re so convinced that they’re definitely a platform to look our for and if you have not heard of them, here’s every other reason why you should.

  • They’ve only been around since 2013, and they’re catching up to the other industry peers
  • They’ve hit their $4 billion evaluation
  • Over 3.5 million designers and teams are using Webflow till date


If that doesn’t scream <ix-explosion>innovation<ix-explosion> and scalability to you we’re not sure what does!

Now, we’re moving on to more comparisons


Trends on CMS comparison here in Singapore

Webflow vs Wordpress vs Wix

We’ve picked this up quickly over Google trends over 12 months of search data and he’s what it is

Webflow vs Wordpress vs Wix Search in Singapore


If you fall under the category of users who searched for “Webflow” you’re definitely one of the cooler kids on the block. Webflow is still relatively new in the Market - building their presence in the community only since 2013, there’s just so much more in store for them and of cos all of us who’ll potentially be super fans of Webflow

The other players in the industry have been around FAR Longer, spent more than enough energy and time pushing their fair share of their Product Marketing perks to the market but here’s our thoughts on why and how Webflow is doing it different

  • They listen to the community (YES, they listen to what we want them to build)
  • Take a look at their community wishlist where users like us vote for features we’d like built out on the Webflow platform



  • They’ve built their features based on the feedback of 500,000+ users - ensuring that they’re making Webflow better everyday! Being the First & only Enterprise Partners of Webflow in Singapore, we’ve had the chance of meeting their team too - they’re really the most pleasant bunch to work with!
  • Their demand’s growth has also been tremendous! Here’s the Forecast from the Webflow team during their earlier years.


Webflow Wishlist growth forecasted during 2014-2017 in their earlier years


Putting you ahead of the curve

We've included little snippets of how quickly we build our landing page components in Devhaus with the help of Webflow - yup, that took less than 5 minutes, next you’ll just have to include your copy and images and you’re ready to launch!

With all that being said above, we’ll let you have your research time with the other CMS players in the market if you still need to look through some background research on the other tools such as Wordpress, Wix and friends.

We’ll be diving deeper into Webflow’s assessment so you can choose them as your preferred CMS of choice with ease of mind. Realigning the core takeaways from what we promise above based on

Factors we've considered:

  • Ease of Use = Adoption teamwide
  • Pricing = Affordable, if not FREE!
  • Scalability = Native integration, robustness and product roadmap
  • Resources available = Internal resource guides & active community base


Ease of Use

Choosing the right CMS tool is never easy, but here’s a visual example we’ve prepared for you.

The Webflow Designer

  • Use ready made components by us to publish your next landing page components in minutes!



The Webflow Editor:

  • The Webflow Editor lets you create and edit content directly on your page, so there's no need to navigate a messy backend content management system. Once you're happy with the changes, hit 'publish.’
  • Using the Editor for clients and collaborators - Webflow tutorial




It’s absolutely free to use it if you don’t mind having a Webflow.io domain

💡 You’re even able to make it indexable by Search engines too! So if you’re having a really tight budget, it’s definitely something to consider

  • Pricing - Take a look at the pricing below, and of course - try it out!




We’ll be drowning on this if we’re to breakdown to you every single use-case possible because there’s just so much you can do with Webflow today ( Yup, we’re not even considering the things that are being launched in the Market that’s in their roadmap )

Taking into consideration these factors:

  • B2B or B2C Company
  • Service based or E-commerce
  • Team of 1 or Team of 1000
  • 0 or 100 Software Developers in your team
  • Adding more tools in your stack ( Webflow will always be the centerpiece of your Business’s content ground )

In short, it doesn’t matter - Webflow will accommodate with work arounds one way or the other

Below is a snapshot of their features within their platform



Integrations with Webflow

Whether you’re looking for a plugin or you need more customisability they’re constantly releasing every quarter ( yup, even our sweethearts ❤️ within the Webflow community are building widgets for users who are new to Webflow )


Integrations | Plugins and integrations library | Webflow University


Last but definitely, not least

By now - you’re convinced but you know you’d bump into blockers real soon and where do you look to for insights, tips and more

Webflow University has right about any topic that you need to know more on


Have a look at their Learning Materials via Webflow University: Guided learning videos at Webflow University


Webflow University Courses


ℹ️ For Digital Marketers or Product Managers who’d like to dive deeper into more of a setup process, look through our transformation article here to understand how you can also setup Google Analytics, Hotjar and more within Webflow in less than 6 hours


Breathe, Digest and Internalise - We’re Moving to the Action Items.

Ideas are worth nothing if you’re not executing them right?

ℹ️ Bookmark this article so you can revisit this again if you need time to digest

*Kick-off your action items once you’ve understood the overview of the said advice above


Action items

💡 Once again, we strongly suggest noting all of your information in Notion so you don’t lose track of your “To Dos”
  1. Create your first Webflow project
  2. Watch and better yourself via Webflow University
  3. If you need further assistance on your project, try out our Webflow development services here at just S$999 → GrowthTemplates.shop

âś… Align with your Problem statements & note it all down

✅ List your desired outcomes that you’d like to achieve with the tools above

âś… Test your hypothesis by creating your own free accounts!


In a nutshell, here’s our final words on this content piece

A CMS is core to any business out there no matter how big or small. If you need more time to look through and make further comparisons we’d definitely advice you to do so!

🏆 Once you’ve made your decision and you’re looking for a suitable partner to help you through your Digital transformation journey  then here’s our take:
  1. If you’re doing this yourself - we’d advise you to take some time to learn and digest as much as you can first before pushing anything live, test this out with a small pool of beta users
  2. If you’re choosing an Agency to help you get your ideas into the market, make sure you’ve done your due diligence and that your appointed Digital agency partners are aligned with your problem statements and desired outcomes!
  3. Be cautious if the vendor tries to sell you features you don't need—a lot of vendors will try to upsell with the "latest" features, but those features might not actually be necessary for your project. Making sure you have the right personnel on board is also crucial. You'll need everyone from project managers to developers knowledgeable about the new tools to ensure everything works smoothly from the start.

Once again, If you're keen to explore more on how you can build your sites affordably with Webflow, we've recently launched our Webflow microservices plans over at Growthtemplate.shop!

You'll get your site from just US$999 - with google analytics 4 installed

Learn more on how you can get started via this link

What this article is about, in a nutshell.

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